Impact Fellowship

is a cohort style social enterprise accelerator program which aims to create modern social businesses that are driven by a balance between profits and impact.

Impact Fellowship

is a cohort style social enterprise accelerator program which aims to create modern social businesses that are driven by a balance between profits and impact. The program is designed to identify early-stage entrepreneurs who have identified a problem they are interested in solving and have developed a solution/idea to resolve that problem.

Program model​

The Impact Fellowship is a twelve-month-long fellowship designed to give Impact Fellows hands-on training through a world-class capacity-building curriculum and experiential development activities where they immerse themselves in the problems and learn from solutions implemented in other countries. The program ensures the fellows develop an entrepreneurial mindset by building their social ventures to address local problems with globally sound solutions.

Call for Applications​
Duration:​ 4 weeks
Curriculum training / bootcamps​
Executive Sessions​
Exploratory Research​
Duration:​ 12 weeks​

Coaching & Mentorship​
Pitching Competitions​
Seed fund investment​
Duration:​ 36 weeks

Continuous Follow-up & Evaluation​
Impact Alumni Network​
Duration:​ Life-long


The program will begin with a Call for Application inviting interested women and youth Entrepreneurs to apply to be enrolled into the program. The call for application will be open for a two (2) week period. Applicants will be required to meet the eligibility requirement outlined below.

Eligibility Requirements:​

  1. Candidates must be fluent in English language
  2. Candidates must have an early-stage business (not more than 3 years of operations) or must have a proven idea or solution.
  3. Businesses do not need to be registered to qualify for this program.
  4. Candidates are within the ages of 18 – 35.
  5. Candidates must commit to actively participate in the year-long fellowship include physical and virtual activities during the period.
  6. Candidates must have no previous criminal records or have been involved in any case involving crime, extortion, manipulation, or fraud.
  7. Businesses must be innovating in priority industries such as Agriculture, Technology and Financial Services.
  8. Businesses must be 100% Liberian-owned.