YOCEL will combine a host of engendered and socially inclusive strategies to build the agency and the knowledge base of women and youth social enterprises focusing on mixed methodologies. This component will disrupt the cycle of unemployment and gender inequality by spurring an enabling environment for entrepreneurship that can not only create jobs, provide agency to women and youth in particular, and provide the means to educate the next generation, but create new growing businesses, new local leaders and thriving Liberian communities. Our theory of change is that with the right tools and targeted methodology, social entrepreneurship can create new companies, jobs, and skills to realign opportunities for better lives for women/youth, families, and communities to fight against gender inequality. .

Building on grass root, Nonpartisan Community-driven strategies, YOCEL will advocate through a constructive dialogic framework driven by community solutions to problems affecting women and youth as a strategy to eradicate extreme poverty. To trigger social changes with the best interests in mind, focusing on gender inequalities, social exclusions, and neglect, we are devoted to ensuring every woman/youth thrives and lives in a healthy and prosperous community.

Well Being
YOCEL understands that to build an agency of women and youth entrepreneurs, there needs to be a solid nurturing, healthy and educational foundation for children. We acknowledge that child well-being and early education form the basis of nurturing sound entrepreneurs. YOCEL will support child well-being and education program by providing sponsorship for children in less fortunate communities, providing resources for schools in rural communities, promoting child rights, and implementing child-centered interventions.